Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ahmadinejad: nuclear debate is over

Well, some of us knew it all along....

For Zion's Sake Ministries:

Barack Obama’s hopes of persuading Iran to renounce its nuclear ambitions appeared to have been dashed yesterday after the UN watchdog admitted that it had reached a stalemate with Tehran, and President Ahmadinejad declared the nuclear debate over....nuclear debate is over

WHEN it comes to Iran, what lessons will the world draw?Following charges of bogus election results, the world watched with interest as Iranians beat, imprisoned, intimidated, harassed and allegedly tortured and murdered its citizens...Will White House accept premise Iran is evil?

FrontPageMag interviews George Gilder re Israel:

Gilder: Of all the nations in the world, Israel ranks first in per capita achievement and excellence. By any per capita measure it is preeminent, whether in technological innovation and invention, venture capital investment and creativity, share of GDP produced by technology companies, or number and quality of scientific papers. But even more impressive, Israel ranks second only to the U.S. in companies on the NASDAQ stock exchange and in achievements in such fields as telecom, microchips, software, biotech, medical instruments, and clean-tech. Israel today represents and symbolizes capitalist excellence and freedom...The Israel Test

From Palestinian Media Watch:

Hamas's demand that the UN not include Holocaust education in schools in Gaza drew widespread international criticism last week. But the refusal to educate children about the Holocaust is not unique to Hamas. It follows the Holocaust-denying precedent set by the Palestinian Authority under Fatah and articulated by numerous PA religious and political leaders, including Mahmoud Abbas.

In the latest news, Hamas demanded that the Jewish Holocaust be deleted from the UN-prepared human rights curriculum for 8th grade, according to the PA daily Al-Ayyam. The next day, PA TV reported that a UN representative "strongly denied rumors that UNRWA will be teaching the subject of the Holocaust as part of its curriculum." [PA TV (Fatah), Sept. 1, 2009]...read more

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