Saturday, July 31, 2010

On Fisk and Israel

The Fulfilled Prophecy website recently posted a link to an article by Robert Fisk. Presumably the intent of the post was to draw attention to deeper connections between Solana, the EU and Israel. I would have liked for FP to have commented on some of Fisk’s bias in the article.

Specifically this:

“All in all, it's good to have such a stout ally as Israel on our side, even if its army is a rabble and some of its men war criminals. Come to that, why don't we ask Hizbollah to join Nato as well – just imagine how its guerrilla tactics would benefit our chaps in Helmand. And since Israel's Apache helicopters often kill Lebanese civilians….”

Israel’s killing of Lebanese citizens was not intentional. Hezbollah made it a practice (as do Hamas) to hide behind citizens while firing rockets upon Israel. Fisk would serve the Lebanese citizens better by pointing that out. Unfortunately, throw away statements like these by biased and irresponsible reporters only foster anti-Israelism.

Regarding the Solana, EU and Israel connection – it should be obvious by now that the popular expectations in some circles that the ENP1 treaty had prophetic significance and relevance to Daniel’s 70th week have failed. Solana has retired but even while he had his finger in a number of pies – and may still have - he was rarely able to exert the extraordinary political influence of Rev 6:2.

If the signing of the ENP treaty back in Jan 07 was the commencement of Daniel’s 70th week and the tribulation, we should have seen progressive confirmation of that in relation to the opening of the seals in Revelation 6. Despite all the justifications regarding the number 666, mid-week has come and gone; there is no Temple in Jerusalem and no Abomination of Desolation has occurred. We are not in Daniel’s 70th week yet.

Back to Fisk:

Just who is Mr Fisk?

Fisk consistently denounces Israel and the United States as oppressive exploiters that provoke the enmity of other nations around the world. While he condemned the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks as a “hideous crime against humanity,” he immediately called for an “honest discussion” about the motives behind those attacks -- a discussion which he said was lacking in the Western press. For his part, Fisk ascribed the attacks chiefly to legitimate Arab anger over U.S. policies in the Middle East, particularly America’s support for Israel...Discover The Networks

An older article from CAMERA:

Usual fare on cable TV's Discovery Channel — documentaries about inventions, nature, and archeology — gave way recently to an unabashedly anti-Israel series entitled "Beirut to Bosnia" and reported by British journalist Robert Fisk. The three films ostensibly examine "why fundamentalist Muslims feel the West has betrayed them." Discovery host John Palmer explains at the outset of the first hour, devoted to Lebanon, that Muslim animosity is a consequence of America having "supported the Balfour Declaration which led to the creation of the state of Israel out of Palestinian land in 1948." The charge of Jewish usurpation of Arab land is Fisk's incessant theme, reiterated by speakers throughout the series and accompanied by vivid images of Arab suffering...The Anti-Israel Rant of Robert Fisk


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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wikipedia’s Jewish Problem

From FrontPageMag:

Wikipedia is used by 68 million people a month. Google Jerusalem, Israel, the Holocaust, jihad – the first reference to come up is Wikipedia. Most users mistakenly think it is an encyclopedia. Actually it is a special sort of blog, self-styled “the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit.” Open an article, click on the edit tab, add or remove what you like. Everyone in the world writes more

Hatred and revulsion for distinct ethnic and tribal groups, and the cleansing operations and genocides that accompany these obsessions, are obviously all-too commonplace phenomena. In recent historical times alone we have seen the Turkish genocide of its Armenian population, the Cambodian hecatomb, the Hutu massacre of nearly one million Tutsis, the Serbian slaughter of Bosnian Muslims, the Sudanese carnage in Darfur and other parts of the country, the ongoing bloodbath in the Congo and, of course, the still unassimilable abomination of the Holocaust....Are Jews Different from History’s Other Victims?

On July 6, 2010, the day Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu met with President Barack Obama at the White House, the Wall Street Journal published an article by Charles Levinson and Jay Solomon entitled “U.S., Israel to Burnish Ties,” which stated:

U.S. officials said they will continue to press Netanyahu to firmly commit to discussing the fundamental issues involved with creating a Palestinian state, as one of a number of confidence-building measures. U.S. officials acknowledged that without this, (Palestinian Authority Chairman) Abbas will face trouble selling the idea of direct talks to a skeptical Palestinian population and neighboring Arab states....Obama Squeezes Israel

On that day I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who try to lift it will injure themselves severely when all the nations of the earth gather against her. (Zec 12:3 CSB)


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