Friday, February 27, 2009

Constance Cumbey offer

Constance Cumbey has spent many years tracking New Age trends and its slow yet consistent infiltration of Christianity and society at large. She and her team of volunteers also supply cutting edge information on the UN and the Globalist agenda.

While I do not agree with absolutely everything Constance has to say, I think her work is invaluable.

Now she has generously offered her books for free download HERE.

Thank you, Constance.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Extremists Seek to Delegitimize Israel During "Apartheid Week"

It never ceases to amaze me how so-called "academics" consistently go after Israel. It is nothing short of demonic.

Next week is the week for indoctrinating students to hate Israel. On March 1-8, Israel's most virulent adversaries will concentrate their attention on campuses from San Francisco to New York, and Edmonton to Atlanta, spreading falsehoods and encouraging boycott of the Jewish state, or even its destruction. Students will be told that the Jewish state is, by nature, a racist, colonial and oppressive state. They will be told this by activists who ignore genuine racism and oppression by Israel's neighbors. It is time for "Israeli Apartheid Week."

One need look no further than the event's title to understand its malignant nature. The canard that Israel is an apartheid state is an assault on the country's very legitimacy. The South African apartheid regime was rightfully dismantled and this campaign seeks to cast Israel as guilty of similar racist policies and equally deserving to be dismantled...Read More


A pity I'm living Down Under, half a world away. I'd love to attend this one!


Headlines and articles:

The toughest challenge Americans face in dealing with Vladimir Putin's Russia is that we insist on complicating the obvious. Putin's schemes are plain as day, but we insist on polishing up his motives... Doubting Russia

The economic downturn we are now experiencing has rippled throughout the world. The news is not good and yet, every cloud, even this cloud, does have a silver lining. And while they are few in number, there are a few positive changes that have occurred specifically because of this colossal calamity. The number one change is worth discussing... A Silver Lining in the Clouds Over Iran

Senator Barack Obama judged Ahmadinejad worthy of a healthy dialogue. It was a point on which Obama was not shy in his pursuit of the 2008 presidential nomination. To the raised eyebrow of his main competitor for the nomination—Senator Clinton—Obama implored America to talk to the Iranian madman, to give peace a chance, to not overreact to the Iranian threat...Deadly Naievete

Lori's news links:

China prepares to buy up foreign oil companies

Thousands Dance and Pray around Old Temple Gates

Amnesty denying Israel the right to defend itself

Israel calls Iran nuclear plant test 'bad news' for whole world

Iran's nuclear chief to announce "good news" on April 9

France and Italy sign nuclear deal

UAE orders military planes worth $2.9bn

'Turkey ready to play role in Iran-US relations'

Russia to focus on upgrading its nuclear arsenal

Russia says M.East Quartet may meet March 1

Monday, February 23, 2009

Boiling Point

From Bible Prophecy Today:

By Jim Fletcher

Jewish leader Isi Leibler, writing last week in the Jerusalem Post, had this to say about a global reality we should all be paying attention to:

“The Inter-Parliamentary Coalition for Combating Anti-Semitism is meeting today in London in the wake of the Gaza campaign, which ignited an exponential eruption of global anti-Semitic frenzy unprecedented since the Nazi era.

The intensity of the anti-Jewish rage, frequently accompanied by acts of violence, has engendered fear and anxiety among Diaspora Jews and obliged many to seriously ponder their long-term future.

“On every continent and in virtually every city, enraged demonstrators have railed against Israel and indulged in anti-Semitic calls to "boycott Jews," "gas" them and "dismantle the Nazi Israeli state." The anti-Jewish offensives, usually initiated by Arabs, have been supported by wide spectrums of indigenous citizens.”

Leibler is not a fear-monger, nor is he crying wolf. Some lay this charge, but they did as well in the lead-up to the Holocaust. Unfortunately, Leibler is right to sound the alarm.

Repeatedly in Scripture, we are told that dark spiritual forces will intensify pressure on Israel and the Jews in the last days. Here again is a dramatic fulfillment of prophecy that many can’t see! Anti-semites are the fulfillment of prophecy and they can’t see it. Amazing.

Also a few days ago, it was announced that the U.S. would have representation at the upcoming Durban Conference. This anti-Western, anti-Israel gathering is a clearing-house for haters and has been shunned by the Americans. Until now.

What is this if not an acceleration of fulfilled prophecies that point to a friend-less Israel. Barack Obama is conducting his foreign policy exactly as he said he would, which means appeasement. An alarming byproduct of this — watch for it — is an increasing tendency to throw Israel to the wolves.

Some assume Obama and his foreign policy team are naïve. Don’t assume that they are. One reporter, soon after the election (note: not before!), called Obama “deeply manipulative.” He’s spent time with the candidate on his plane.

A few days ago, Sean Hannity made an interesting comment as he discussed the so-called “Fairness Doctrine” (designed to muzzle conservative radio); he said that people fail to understand that the policymakers in Washington don’t care about the average person. I think he’s correct. Which means that for all their pledges to ensure Israel’s security, Washington insiders and powerbrokers will sell the Jewish state down the river.

As Israel sorts-out its recent election, one can see the manipulation behind the scenes. As Benjamin Netanyahu jostles for position in trying to become Israel’s next prime minister, it is hard not to notice the hatred for him...not only from the Arabs, but from Western diplomats and journalists! Obama will no doubt lean on Netanyahu (who, unlike Obama or Bill Clinton, with whom he dealt a decade ago, is not a coward).

It was noted by syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer that Obama’s overtures to Iran have resulted in the Iranians puffing out their collective chest and demanding certain things of the U.S. in exchange for “normalized relations.” One of those demands is to abandon the “Zionist entity.” We all know who that is. Does this not speak to Jeremiah 30?

Krauthammer also noted that since Iran announced that it has sent a satellite into space, the obvious implication is that they can also target anywhere with ballistic missiles. One can see here the beginnings of classic, high-stakes blackmail that would ultimately leave Israel without allies anywhere.

Israel’s Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, who narrowly missed a bid to become prime minister, has said that not only would she not sit in a Netanyahu government (unless he agreed to a rotating premiership), but that she advocated giving away at least half of the Land of Israel to a Palestinian state.

All these things are indeed foreboding. Ominous.

And yet when one talks to Israelis in their own country, one gets the sense that more Bible prophecy is being fulfilled, because these people are not going away. They are not going to lay down and die. We have the odd situation of a pagan world that does not believe in the Bible or the God of the Bible coming into direct conflict with Israel as God prepares to supernaturally intervene, as He did in the “days of old.”

Praise the Lord, He is on His throne and in charge. Let the heathen rage and the anti-semites spew their hate.

We are at the boiling point, and the Redeemer of Israel is preparing to take the stage.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Joel Rosenberg's latest and Lori's links

Keep an eye on this one; it may be prophetically significant:


Lori's links and commentary:

Large swath of Palestine land seized

Global financial crisis hits hard in Dubai

Non-State Actors vs. the Westphalian Model

Japanese Finance Minister Resigns After Seeming to Be Drunk at G-7 Summit News Conference

Financial crisis tests European Commission authority

Prague courts Obama for April visit

Russia, China sign energy accords

Russian missile defence to Iran on hold till meeting with Obama

Iran minister seeks missles on Russian trip

ElBaradei says Iran, Syria not cooperating enough

IAEA Chief: Israel Impedes Nuclear Disarmament

Israel's Peres to meet parties before naming premier

Arab Secy Gen: Arab initiative won't last if Israel continues foot-dragging

Jordan Turns Against Israel in Hague

'Jordan's bid for IDF war crimes petition comes from kingdom opponents'

Mashaal: 'Israel responsible for blocking Egypt's effort's to broker truce'

Israel assassinating Iranian nuclear scientists in a covert war

Israel's last ditch effort to destroy ... itself

Obama promises Palestinians he'll protect 'biblical heartland' ends with a history lesson

Egyptian army, air force conducts Sinai war games

Delegation of US senators arrives in Syria to meet with Assad

Revival or Rapture and Israel’s Leadership Precariously Perched

SOLANA met US Secretary of State Hilary RODHAM CLINTON

Babylon's future written in its ruins

AoC discusses Turkey's global importance

AoC plans 2nd forum

The new world order "Biden entered to a standing ovation, paused to engulf Javier Solana, the European Union’s foreign policy representative, in a bear hug, and chatted for long minutes with Henry Kissinger. Then he headed to the podium to deliver a basic message: Obama wants to make America a more deserving partner for its traditional allies.""If you control the oil you control the country; if you control the food you control the population." -- Henry Kissinger

Doomsday seed vault's stores are growing

Thank you, Lori!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Joel Rosenberg talks about the Global Economies

BIBLE PROPHECY AND THE U.S. AND GLOBAL ECONOMIES: “It’s almost as if you can hear the ice cracking beneath our feet”


Washington: Bibi’s In, “Peace” Is Dead

By P. David Hornik Friday, February 13, 2009

In the wake of the Israeli elections on Tuesday, it’s reported that many U.S. officials have “privately…expressed concern that Likud leader Binyamin Netanyahu might preside over a right-wing coalition.” A “Capitol Hill source” is quoted as saying that would cause “great unease.” Dennis Ross is quoted in his book as calling Netanyahu, in his first prime ministerial stint in 1996-1999, “nearly insufferable, lecturing and telling us how to deal with the Arabs.” Read more...