Thursday, November 26, 2009

The UN Kicks Out a Leading Critic

I'd never heard of Prof Anne Bayefsky before the FrontPageMag article. I did a little digging and came up with some data and a few interesting YouTube videos, one of which follows the article.

The United Nations security department briefly detained a leading UN critic, Anne Bayefsky earlier this month and then escorted her out of the building after stripping her of her accreditation pass. Ms. Bayefsky, who is affiliated with a UN-recognized non-governmental organization and is an accredited United Nations observer, also happens to be a human rights watchdog who for years has publicized the rank hypocrisy at the UN when it comes to dealing with Israel and its terrorist enemies...Continue Reading

It's not often that you find academics who sympathize with Israel. Happily, Bayefsky is one of these rare individuals. The following video was recorded during the Durban II conference, although there emerges an objection to that title by one African nation. Prof Bayefsky is trying to deliver a speech and is met with constant interruptions and objections. By the end of her allocated time, her frustration is evident. Personally, I'd be ropable. This is a revealing glimpse of what goes on at the revered UN.

Also from FrontPagemag:

These people need our prayers.

Serious threats imposed by the Islamic Republic’s Revolutionary guards did not stop thousands of protestors from marching in the streets of Tehran last Sunday. The protestors wanted to make it clear that the post-election momentum has not dissipated...Iranian Momentum Still Going Strong

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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Christians Suffer Under the Palestinian Authority

The American government refuses to acknowledge the medieval abuses of Christians at the hands of the Palestinian Authority.

Rev. Bill Harter is a charismatic and well-respected Presbyterian Church (USA) pastor who has taken forty church missions to Israel and the Palestinian Authority territories. On various occasions at meetings with State Department officials, Rev. Harter revealed to them that Christian Palestinians say one thing in public and the opposite in private.

He requested that the State Department appoint a human rights officer and station him at the U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem in order to monitor, record, and redress the abuses that Christian Palestinians are undergoing at the hands of the Palestinian Authority and Hamas-sponsored gangs.

Rev. Harter was told in whispers, in the privacy of Christian Palestinian families’ homes, about the fears they have of remaining in their towns and living there under the control of a Palestinian state. During his earlier trips, members of the Arab Christian community had expressed great fear for their safety as Israel withdrew from the Bethlehem area and handed it over to Arafat and the Palestinian Authority (PA). According to Harter, Christians under PA control are intimidated into speaking out against Israel and are abused if they seem to accuse the PA of any wrongdoing...Continue Reading


The board of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) unanimously voted to reject a proposal by staff members to boycott Israel. The Board stressed the need to maintain open communication between scientists at NTNU and those at academic institutions in Israel. This comes after a counterpetition of professors at the same university (which drew three times as many signatories as did the original boycott proposal ) and an international counter-boycott petition (which drew over 3,500 signatories — i.e. more than 1.000 times as many as the original proposal) became public...Norwegian University Votes Down Anti-Israel Boycott

President Jimmy Carter and Judge Richard Goldstone have a lot in common. Both prominent men of international standing have published hefty reports slamming Israel. Both made their arguments with countless factual errors that were exposed by critics. Both denied that their critics dealt with the substance of their reports and insisted that their detractors resorted to launching only ad hominen attacks...Carter, Goldstone and Gaza

From American Thinker:

I served in the U.S. Department of State as the first Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism from 2006-2009. As the Obama administration considers its options to fill my position, I offer the following analysis on the severity of antisemitism in Europe...Fomenting Anti-Semitism in Europe

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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Amnesty Water Report Waterboards the Truth


Amnesty International has issued a report, Troubled Waters Palestinians denied fair access to water, which condemns Israel’s supposed denial of water to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. According to Donatella Rovera, Amnesty’s researcher in the region and the lead author of the report:

Israel allows the Palestinians access to only a fraction of the shared water resources, which lie mostly in the occupied West Bank, while the unlawful Israeli settlements there receive virtually unlimited supplies. In Gaza the Israeli blockade has made an already dire situation worse.

Amnesty portrays Rovera’s work as a “new extensive report” in which Amnesty International “revealed the extent to which Israel’s discriminatory water policies and practices are denying Palestinians their right to access to water.”...Continue Reading

What's the deal with the organization known as J Street?

From American Thinker:

J Street and Judge Goldstone: the plot thickens

From FrontPageMag:

While covering J-Street’s first annual national conference over the last three days, I think I recognized one of 1,000-plus attendees from television. Proudly wearing a Code Pink t-shirt, the woman was handing out cards advertising a December 31 march to “break the illegal Gaza siege.” If I am right in my recollection, I remember watching her being removed by Capitol Hill police officers with her Code Pink compatriots for protesting some congressional hearing I was watching on C-Span. She may not have been welcome on Capitol Hill, but she sure seemed in her element at J-Street...J-Street Exposed


“To say that you have to love Israel or be pro-Israel to be part of J Street is a terrible mistake.”

Thus Judith Baker of the fringe-left Brit Tzedek v’Shalom (its English moniker is Jewish Alliance for Justice and Peace), recently incorporated into J Street, told a reporter at the J Street conference on Tuesday. Indeed, “peace or Israel” seems to be the question. It’s also reported that “J Street’s university arm has dropped the ‘pro-Israel’ part of the left-wing US lobby’s ‘pro-Israel, pro-peace’ slogan to avoid alienating students.”

As a student involved with J Street explains, “We don’t want to isolate people because they don’t feel quite so comfortable with ‘pro-Israel,’ so we say ‘pro-peace,’ but behind that is ‘pro-Israel.’” ...J Street Dreams, Israeli Reality


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