Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Israel 1967 Through 1991 - High Noon for Israel

The years from 1967 through 1991 were a turbulent period in the Middle East reaching from the end of the Six Day War in 1967 through the beginning of the Oslo Peace Process in 1991. Israel continued to struggle with the Palestinian Arabs and neighboring Arab countries as they waged war on Israel, conventionally in the surprise attacks and invasion of the 1973 Yom Kippur War and through terrorism, diplomatic pressures, and economic warfare through use of the "oil weapon". This period saw the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) emerge and be recognized as the Palestinian's leader. The PLO masterminded some of history's worst atrocities as they attempted to use terrorism to destroy Israel when it became clear that conventional wars were not going to achieve that more

From FrontPageMag:

Now that Iran has admitted that is has constructed a secret facility for producing enriched uranium – one very hard to destroy in a military strike – Israel must be feeling the sand slip through the hourglass. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad already has made clear that he wishes to see Israel destroyed, and now his regime has been caught building a hardened facility to produce nuclear weapons. What is Israel to do?...High Noon for Israel

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