Sunday, October 19, 2008

New From Israel Magazine - September edition.

News From Israel


campsmore said...

US President agrees to world summit on financial crisis

UN offers Sarkozy its headquartes for summit

Barroso and Sarkozy plead for permanent EU presidency

Will the EU be a more just mediator in the Middle East?

Israel mulling non-aggression treaty with Lebanon

Peres to Go to Egypt

Solana visits Syria, UAE, S. Arabia and Qatar

Saudi official presents new Israeli-Palestinian peace plan

Israeli officials reject Saudi peace plan revival

Israel Okays Armed PA Police Forces in More Cities

America's Bear Hug

EU Drops Concerns for Security, Press Israel for Good Will

Turkish FM: Turkey wants Syria-Israel talks to resume

Police Arrest Temple Institute Director

Temple time?

Hakhel Ceremonies Performed on the Temple Mount First time in 2,000 years

Libya seeks Russian arms worth $2 billion: Interfax

Russia Proposes Setting Up Council of Religions As UN Consultative Body

Sony video game: was pushed back after discovered included lines from Koran

HOT Eagle aircraft

Signs in the sun, moon and stars... Sun's protective 'bubble' is shrinking

campsmore said...

Israel, Hamas Prepare for End of Ceasefire

Israel to give PA control of more cities

Egypt invited Hizbullah

Sarkozy wants top EU economy team

Sarkozy wants Europe sovereign fund to fight crisis

Mohammad (United Arab Emerits) lauds EU role in Mideast from Solana

France stresses need for good EU-Russia ties

US and Russian military chiefs meet in Finland

Senior US official in Ankara for anti-terror talks

Russia, Iran and Qatar discuss forming gas cartel

Libya seeks Russian arms

US intelligence: Iran will be able to build first nuclear bomb by February 2009

Top Tehran officials recommend preemptive strike against Israel

Senior Iranian Official Recommends that Iran Mark London as a Target – In Order to Deter Bush from Attacking Iran in Last Months of Presidency

Bin Laden's plan for 'global fireball

Wary of Islam, China Tightens a Vise of Rules

India invokes new code of business for deals with Israel

al Qaeda and The Election - Out-thinking A Canny Enemy

Plague emerges in Grand Canyon, kills biologist

Alf Cengia said...

Thanks, Lori.

As I look at your links, I'm hearing a loud tick..tick...tick...
