Sunday, March 14, 2010

"Israeli Apartheid" Week

Every March, extremists converge on campuses across the country. For a week or two, they strive to sow divisions, encourage prejudice, and incite hostility...Read More


Revisionism is big, at least when it comes to Jerusalem. For example, Ikrima Sabri, until recently the Palestinian Authority-appointed mufti of Jerusalem, told the German daily Die Welt in 1997 that "In the whole city, there is not even a single stone indicating Jewish history... The Jews cannot legitimately claim [the Western] wall, neither religiously nor historically."...AP’s Historical Revisionism on Jerusalem

The charge that Arabs suffer inequitable treatment in Israeli society — usually simmering on a back burner — flares up anew from time to time....Ha'aretz Flubs the Facts on Arabs in the Knesset

CAMERA's Senior Research Analyst Gilead Ini was interviewed on the Steel on Steel Radio Show on Thursday 4 March, 2010 to discuss Israeli Apartheid Week...Listen to it here

From Joel Rosenberg:

TRAIN WRECK: ANALYSIS OF EMERGING CRISIS IN U.S.-ISRAEL RELATIONS: Obama administration is trying to divide Jerusalem. How should Christians respond?

From Pajamas Media:

Any open-minded person who has either visited Israel, kept apace of the documentary evidence, or honestly examined the tainted “bona fides” of Israel’s accusers would realize that Israel has been set up as the target for what is nothing less than an illegitimate campaign of delegitimation. Orwell’s Hate Week has escaped the boundaries of the novel, whose “Enemy of the People” is someone with the surname — what else? — Goldstein. (Oddly, the enemy of the Jewish people is someone with the surname Goldstone.) And as Orwell writes about the Two Minutes Hate period instituted by the Party, “Before the Hate had proceeded for thirty seconds, uncontrollable exclamations of rage were breaking out from half the people in the room.”...Getting Israel Right

And don't forget the latest Off The Wall News

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