Tuesday, December 22, 2009

LA Times Op-Ed Calls For Dismantlement of Jewish State


In the past, the Los Angeles Times marked Israel's birthday with an Op-Ed calling for its dismantlement via the so-called "one-state solution." The paper didn't bother to wait for the spring anniversary of the Jewish state's founding, presenting its readers yesterday with another call for a "one-state solution." Jonathan Kuttab's Dec. 20, 2009 Op-Ed ("Steps to Create Israel-Palestine"), like earlier pieces by Saree Makdisi (here and here) and Tony Judt which called for the destruction of the Jewish state, rests on a number of basic factual errors and faulty assumptions...Continue Reading

Victoria Brittain’s Dec. 9 column in the Guardian has all the elements that typify the newspaper’s simplistic, distorted accounts of the Arab-Israeli conflict. There are the innocent Palestinian victims and aggressive Israeli culprits; the falsehoods; the failure to consider any Palestinian responsibility for their state of affairs; and the brazen omission of information essential for understanding the situation...Gaza’s Blue Baby Syndrome and Brittain’s Bad Blood


Even with Iraq safely in American hands, the other members of the Axis of Evil – Iran and North Korea – are still hard at work. And the threat they pose to the West may be greater than ever.

For all the concern about Iran’s drive for nuclear weapons, the Islamic Republic’s past support of military proxies makes it clear that a direct attack on America or Israel is not necessarily the most likely threat posed by the regime. Along with North Korea, Iran is part of a thriving international arms smuggling network, one that seeks to destabilize America and her allies while minimizing the risk of direct retaliation...No End to Evil

Jamie Glazov interviews Pamela Geller


FP: What are your thoughts on this international cultural acceptance of Islamic anti-Semitism and simultaneous demonization of Israel?

Geller: The demonization of Israel is Jew hatred. On many levels, what is happening today is more dangerous than Nazism in the sense that Nazism was perpetrated covertly. What we are witnessing today is done overtly: anti-Zionism is a modern variation on an age-old hatred. The Nazis hid the extermination. Work camps were death camps but no one knew what was really going on behind those walls until the Nazis were defeated. Today the haters take to the streets and engage in death to Jews, death to Israel demonstrations across Europe and America. They dance and pass out sweets in the Muslim street when Jews are murdered. What’s so disturbing is that it is being done now under the aegis of the UN...Collaborators in England in the War Against the Jews

The recent Swiss vote to ban minarets was seen by many as a further indication that European populations are waking up to the threat of Europe’s Islamization and the need to stop the trend. If so, the European Union—the centralized bureaucracy that, as documented in Bat Ye’or’s important book Eurabia, went “over the heads” of European publics to meld the European and Arab/Muslim civilizations in the first place—still hasn’t caught up and remains locked in a pro-Arab/Muslim disposition...Eurabia vs. Israel on Jerusalem

A view from the "Other Side" courtesy of Asia Times Online:

An Islamic view of terrorism

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