Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Battle Over the Temple Mount

Zec 12:3 "It will come about in that day that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who lift it will be severely injured. And all the nations of the earth will be gathered against it.

One of the main obstacles in previous peace-making efforts has been the issue of dividing Jerusalem and control over the Temple Mount. Muslim denial of Judaism's historical and religious ties to Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, the Waqf's illegal construction there, and the violent response to Jewish activities there present an obstacle to peace-making efforts...Read more

For Zion's Sake Ministries:

Axis Of Evil: Did U.S. weakness invite North Korea's nuclear provocations? Like Tehran, Pyongyang has rejected Obama administration diplomatic overtures. Are these rogue states seizing a new opportunity? Talked To Death

Paradoxically, despite the alarming ongoing surge of Islamic religious and political extremism in Europe, the European Union and individual European countries seem poised for what could become the ugliest confrontation with Israel since the creation of the Jewish state. Crude threats are being conveyed to the Netanyahu government, making it clear that unless it capitulates to a series of demands, relations will be downgraded and boycotts may even be instituted. Unconfirmed rumors are circulating that the US State Department does not object to these European initiatives. Ugly vibes from Europe


"In the Obama Administration ... It's Easy Being Palestinian"

North Korea and the Real Nuclear Option

Driving Our Allies into Bomb Shelters

Joel Rosenberg:



Lori's links and comments:

Boo chose the wrong venue,"By addressing the "Islamic world" from Cairo, Obama lends credibility to the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and other advocates of political Islam who demand that Muslims be addressed globally and on religious terms..... Rather than buttress a loyal ally, Obama's speech undermines him on his home ground. That is a lose-lose proposition. For his trouble, Obama will get more bloodshed in Pakistan, more megalomania from Iran, more triumphalism from the Palestinians, and less control over Iraq and Afghanistan. Of all the available bad choices, Obama has taken the worst. It is hard to imagine any consequence except a steep diminution of American influence.

"NKorea steps up coastal drills amid fears of naval provocation ,

Israeli Reaction To North Korea: ‘We Told You So’ ,

Missing dimension in Middle East peace process,Although I don't agree with the author, he reveals some interesting points: One being... "The current efforts led by President Obama, former Prime Minister Blair, and King Abdullah could hold great new promise in these regards.

"Bibi: Israel won't put settlement life on hold,

Tony Blair flags 'way forward' in Middle East peace process,

Blair: June will be Critical in Arab-Israel Peace,

US administration blocks sale of 6 AH-64D helicopters to Israel - approves 12 to Egypt,

Op Piece: Hillary's Kiss is Still a Kiss, this article doesn't really match the title

'US may reduce Israel support in UN' ,

What will happen if Israel 'defeats' Boo? ,

Boo Backfires: Media Raise Doubts, Egypt Snubs ‘Instant Peace' ,Congress backs Israel

Egypt rejects U.S. plan for Arab-Israel normalization,

Israeli FM To Russia, Belarus Monday,

Russia creates its own version of NATO in Central Asia to be prepared for big war,

What are the powers of the European Parliament? ,"If the EU's stalled Lisbon Treaty is finally agreed on by all 27-member states, the EU Parliament will gain powers over the entire EU budget, many areas of justice policy, and the appointment of the High Representative, the EU's top diplomat."


campsmore said...

Who we are dealing with,

Boo meets Israeli defense minister,

Boo: Iran has right to nuclear power ,

US invites Iranian envoys to July 4 parties,

The Emergence of President Boo's Muslim Roots,
"Americans have Muslims in their families or have lived in a Muslim majority country. I know, because I am one of them."

Likud: US admin. meddling in Israeli politics,

Boo to give Netanyahu 4-6 weeks for new Mideast policy,

speech to Muslims to be secured by 3,000 Secret Servicemen,

With Speech in Egypt, Boo Calculates Risk of Alienating Israel,

Al Qaeda's Zawahri urges Egyptians to reject 'criminal' ,

Russia talks single currency,

Tests of new Russian missile to continue, says top gov't official ,

Merkel and Sarkozy in joint call for 'strong Europe' ,

Sarkozy to meet Iranian FM for nuclear discussion,

Ugly vibes from Europe,

New pan-European Eurosceptic alliance takes shape,

Nuclear talks resume as alarm over North Korea continues,

3rd Temple items,

campsmore said...

NKorea prepares missiles; South beefs up defenses,

S. Korea to deploy fighter jets if North Korea provokes in Yellow Sea ,

Boo should stop apologising for America, "It is not too late for the president to acknowledge that the time for apologies is over, that the world needs robust American leadership that projects strength and power rather than timidity and weakness."

Boo visits Saudi king,

Egypt invites top Iranian diplomat to Boo speech,

Tough talks on Israel before Mideast speech,

OIC head to listen Boo in Egypt,

Bin Laden threatens Americans in new tape ,

Al Qaeda plotting bio attack on US via Mexico? ,

The most dangerous man in the world, not osama

Israelis growing increasingly anxious about Boo policies,

Boo unexpectedly joins Barak-Jones meeting,

Israel has no plans to attack Iran,

Iran signs gas-field development contract with China,

Iran proposes buying all Azeri gas produced at Caspian field,

Gordon Brown takes hit after hit as resignations pile up,

U.S. Releases Secret Nuclear List by Accident,
"including maps that identify where nuclear weapons fuel is stockpiled, though it contained no information about military nuclear operations."

CSTO to hold large-scale joint military drills in Aug.-Sept,
CSTO is comparable to NATO forces in Europe

Greece could host Russia-NATO meeting in late June,

Gulf member states: Currency union pact to be inked on June 7,

Japan's FM wants single Asian currency,

UN to hold conference on global financial crisis June 24-26,

minister Hosni is front-runner to head Unesco,
UNESCO: UN Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organisation

I am not a racist, says Farouk Hosni ,

campsmore said...

US: No permanent U.S. presence in Afghanistan,

Full text of Cairo address,

Iran: Speech can't change US image,

Muslim Activist Warns of 'Unholy Alliance' ,

Iran seen attending G8 talks on Afghanistan,

Bin Laden calls for long war against "infidels" ,

Russia, EU could complete WTO talks by year-end,

Australian defence minister resigns,

campsmore said...

Analyst says new NKorean missile pad is ready,

US to go for own sanctions on North Korea ,

Far-right wing activists launch anti-boo campaign,
"your problem isn't with Prime Minister Netanyahu, nor is it with the People of Israel. Your problem, Mr. President, is with the almighty God of Israel!"

New Outpost Named “Obama Hilltop”,

Right shocked by Boo's comparison of Palestinians' plight to Holocaust,

Boo Wants PA State, PA Majority Sees No Fatah-Hamas Unity,

Sarkozy tells Iran to seize N-talks or suffer,

Ahmadinejad: Iran, Nuclear Power Ready to Participate in Running the World,

Moscow concerned by nuclear proliferation - Medvedev ,

World's Nuclear Club,

Ahmadinejad Wants U.S. to Apologize for Its Long-Ago Role in Iran Coup,

Iran cleric: U.S. must stop support of Israel to improve ties,

US to send military to Syria,

Boo keeps leaders at arm's length on Europe trip,

He's not a messiah ,
"Only a messiah would be able to secure all these objectives in the course of one term in office."

Ukrainian parliament dismisses defense minister,

Guinea-Bissau minister killed,

Dagestan's interior minister killed in attack,

Police conclude SKorea former president, Roh's death was suicide,
Oddly enough, they don't mention how his body guard was present at his death

campsmore said...

U.N. Nuke Watchdog Finds 'Manmade' Uranium in Syria,

Jerusalem slams Syrian stonewalling of IAEA inspections,

Two pro-Taliban clerics killed in Pakistan shootout ,

US admin. disagrees with Sarkozy on Turkey EU bid,

Activists Tell Boo: 'Hands Off Israel' ,

Israeli officials: Boo leaves us no choice but to okay Palestinian state,

Saudi FM to U.S.: Cut off aid if Israel doesn't end occupation,

As U.S. presses Israel, EU may join fray,

Boo postpones U.S. embassy move from T.A. to Jerusalem,

Op Piece: Walid Shoebat, The Fox is in the Henhouse,

Longing for prophecy,

Iraqi police chief escapes assassination attempt,

campsmore said...

Netanyahu plans major policy speech next week,

Israeli Group Offers Alternative to 2-State Solution,

Israel: World can't trust UN to monitor Iran nukes,


US envoy: Talks must begin 'immediately' ,.

Clinton says U.S. mulls putting NKorea back on terror list,

Reining In Pyongyang,
"The ultimate issue is not regional but concerns the prospects for world order..."

U.S. Weighs Intercepting NKorean Shipments,

Activity picks up at NKorea's missile site ,
Although I read today that missile tracking radar hasn't been installed yet... something that would need to be done before launch

NKorea bans ships from coastal waters,

Boo seeks global uranium fuel bank,

Qatar`s ruler arrives in Jordan for official visit,

Iran, Belarus Agree to Promote Commercial Ties,

Belarus Pres. stresses EU partnership,

Chechen gov't official's aide killed in North Caucasus,

Russia "kills" Chechen leader Umarov,

Putin says Russia needs new rockets,

Conservatives sweep European elections,

EU's Solana heartened by Boo's Mideast speech,

In Mideast and Europe, Boo debuts 'global populism' ,

Time to end UN's bias,