Friday, March 27, 2009

Smearing Christian Zionists

By Mark D. Tooley Friday, March 27, 2009

Church of England priest Stephen Sizer, vicar of Christ Church, Virginia Water in Surrey, has made attacking Christian support for Israel his central mission. Ironically, he comes not from the church’s left-wing but its evangelical branch, giving him access to wider global audiences not otherwise available. Sizer’s latest book, Zion’s Christian Soldiers, warns that pro-Israel U.S. evangelicals have monstrously distorted the Middle East by aligning America with Israel.

“In its worst forms, Christian Zionism uses the Bible to justify racial superiority, land expropriation, home demolitions, colonial settlements, the denial of international law and the dehumanization of Arabs,” Sizer complains. It also “provides a biblical justification for U.s. intervention in the Middle East. It is deeply mistrustful of the United Nations and the European Community, and actively opposes the implementation of international law and the right of Palestinians to a sovereign state alongside Israel.” read more

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Charges of IDF "Wanton Killing" Crumble

Another report from CAMERA. Unfortunately, this sort of news does not get the coverage it deserves.

The brigade commander of the unit linked to alleged “wanton killings” in Gaza launched his own investigation after hearing of the charges, speaking with actual eyewitnesses, all of whom said that the alleged killings did not took place. The original charges, based only on hearsay and rumors, have therefore been refuted and should be retracted.

The brigade commander’s findings were reported in the Israeli newspaper Maariv, in a story titled IDF Investigation Refutes the Testimonies About Gaza Killings. According to the story:

Two central incidents that came up in the testimony, which Danny Zamir, the head of the Rabin pre-military academy presented to Chief of Staff Gaby Ashkenazi, focus on one infantry brigade. The brigade’s commander today will present to Brigadier General Eyal Eisenberg, commander of the Gaza division, the findings of his personal investigation about the matter which he undertook in the last few days, and after approval, he will present his findings to the head of the Southern Command, Major General Yoav Gallant.

Regarding the incident in which it was claimed that a sniper fired at a Palestinian woman and her two daughters, the brigade commander’s investigation cites the sniper: “I saw the woman and her daughters and I shot warning shots. The section commander came up to the roof and shouted at me, ?Why did you shoot at them.’ I explained that I did not shoot at them, but I fired warning shots.”

Officers from the brigade surmise that fighters that stayed in the bottom floor of the Palestinian house thought that he hit them, and from here the rumor that a sniper killed a mother and her two daughters spread. read more

From FrontPageMag:

The worst terror attack in Israeli history was narrowly averted Saturday evening.

Someone—it is not yet known who—managed to drive a car carrying 100 kilograms of explosives, mixed with metal ball bearings to maximize impact, into an outdoor parking lot of the Lev Hamifratz mall in Haifa. At about eight o’clock, when a malfunction in the detonation mechanism caused a small explosion, a civilian summoned police, and sappers were able to defuse the rest of the bombs. Near-Catastrophe in Israel

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Iran:Drop Sanctions, End Support for Israel

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EU expanding its 'sphere of influence,'

Russia says Solana calls for new security structure

EU assigns funds and staff to 'Eastern Partnership'

S. Korea, EU start 'final round' of free trade talks

Klaus: Brussels ‘recreating Soviet bloc in Europe’ It seems the EU prez is critizing the EU

North Korea to fire rocket April 4-5

Japan must build defence capability

Japan 'unable' to intercept N. Korea rocket

China & US presidents to hold first meeting in London

China ready to discuss new reserve currency at G20 summit

China confirms plans to build aircraft carrier

Russia could focus on tactical nuclear weapons for subs

Russian planes fly over US naval ships

US navy vessels arrive in Bahrain after collision in Persian Gulf

Gog Gathering Steam?

Ayaan Hirsi Ali condemns Muslim faith at Palm Beach talk "Islam is not a religion of peace," she said. "It's a political theory of conquest that seeks domination by any means it can." ... "They see every act of appeasement as an invitation to make fresh demands."

The silent Exodus Calls For A Global Currency

Friday, March 20, 2009

A fearful thing, betraying Israel

Article from Hal Lindsey courtesy of WorldNetDaily

One can really tell that the International Herald Tribune is the sister publication of the New York Times. Like the New York Times, the IHT never saw a liberal it didn't love or a conservative it didn't hate – or a fact its editors couldn't spin.

The Times generally uses the IHT as its international hit man, reserving its own pages to advance the policies of the Democrat Party.

The IHT ran a story entitled "Is Global Rebranding What Israel Needs?" The piece opened by recognizing Israel as the world's pariah state:

Its sports teams have met hostility and violent protests in Sweden, Spain and Turkey. Mauritania has closed the Israeli Embassy. Relations with Turkey, an important Muslim ally, have suffered severely. A group of top international judges and human rights investigators recently called for an investigation into Israel's actions in Gaza. "Israel Apartheid Week" drew participants in 54 cities around the world this month, twice the number of last year, according to its organizers. And even in the American Jewish community, albeit in its liberal wing, there is a chill.

Having established that everybody hates Israel (even liberal Jews), the columnist, Ethan Bronner, went on to build his case that Israel deserves it:

Of course, for Israel's critics, including those who firmly support the existence of a Jewish state, the problem is not one of image but of policy. They say that four decades of occupation, the settling of half a million Israeli Jews on land captured in 1967, the economic strangling of Gaza for the past few years and the society's growing indifference toward a Palestinian state are all reasons Israel has lost favor abroad, and that no amount of image buffing will change that....
read more

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Iran's Revolutionary Guards dismantles unspecified number of Web sites

Iran TV: Domestic satellite 'completes mission'

US ready for any North Korean missile

America 'Moves Towards Abandonment of Israel'

IDF to US: Israel Closing In on Taking Military Aim at Iran

PA plans to fly glider painted in Palestinian colors over Jerusalem

Israel seizes Hamas political leaders

Netanyahu seeking BO meeting in May U.S. trip

Russia backs EU in pre-G20 stimulus debate

2.5 Million Protest Sarkozy Economic Policies

U.N. panel says world should ditch dollar

USA Technologies Extends Leadership in Unattended Cashless Transactions and Networking Technology with Issuing of 69th Patent RFID reader/finance processor

The world economy is set to shrink... the first global contraction in 60 years

Europe plans to use its own carrier rocket Vega instead of Russian ones Vega is arabic for "falling vulture"

Russia and US discuss resetting of ties

Russian-Chinese exercises to be held in China in summer "dubbed Peace Mission 2009"

Values to form core of EU 'Eastern Partnership'

Thanks Lori!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

LA Times Un-Solves the "Jewish Problem"

The very fact that this type of debate is being conducted in our supposedly enlightened West is instructive...

The Los Angeles Times published on March 15 two Op-Eds about Zionism. One, by Judea Pearl, argues that anti-Zionism is hateful and a "dangerous threat to lives, historical justice and the prospects of peace in the Middle East." The other, by Ben Ehrenreich, argues that, "put simply, the problem is Zionism," and calles for an end to the Jewish state.

By hosting on its opinion pages this type of debate on Israel's existence, the Los Angeles Times unfairly applies a different standard to the Jewish people and Israel than it does to other nations and nation-states. It outrageously casts self-determination as something that perhaps should be taken away from the Jews. In doing so, the newspaper moves to un-solve the "Jewish problem" that, after thousands of years of persecution, pogroms and mass murder against the Jewish people (and after scores of years of struggle by early Zionists seeking an end to this oppression), was finally and all-too-belatedly solved with the realization of Jewish national rights in their ancestral homeland, Israel. read more

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'Israel could attack Iran with missiles'

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MUST READ: Embracing of Shariah

IDF chief gave U.S. fresh intel on Iran nukes program

US Blocking Visa for Netanyahu’s Security Advisor

IDF to US: Israel Closing In on Taking Military Aim at Iran

Azerbaijan votes on scrapping presidential limits

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Israeli Spy Chief: Time Running Out

Iran has “crossed the technological threshold,” Maj.-Gen. Amos Yadlin, head of Israeli Military Intelligence, told the Israeli cabinet this week. “Iran is continuing to amass hundreds of kilograms of low-enriched uranium, and it hopes to exploit the dialogue with the West and Washington to advance toward the production of an atomic bomb.” more

Jimmy Carter’s Second Draft

Former President Jimmy Carter has clearly been chastened by the criticism of his last error-laden text, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid (Simon & Schuster, 2006). His follow up book, We Can Have Peace in the Holy Land: A Plan That Will Work (Simon & Schuster, 2009), is much more moderate in tone. Nevertheless, the text is still, in essence, an extended attempt to deceive its audience about issues of central importance to the Arab-Israeli more

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52% NOW BACK FORCE TO STOP IRAN FROM GETTING “THE BOMB”: Meanwhile, Russia and China building closer ties with Iran

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Russian senator critizes N. Korea rocket launch plans

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Lebanon's Suleiman to visit Paris for talks with Sarkozy

New website of **Russian/EU Club***presented in Paris ...

and here it is ...

the merge?

Sarkozy to open first Gulf military base in Abu Dhabi France restricts international corruption investigations "Earlier this week, UK-based NGO Global Witness named several French banks in a report unveiling their connections with corrupt regimes in Africa and Central Asia"

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G-20 officials pledge "whatever action necessary" to restore global growth

Madagascar opposition gives president 4 hours to quit

Madagascar's president defies ultimatum

Iraq's president to retire from office next year

Pakistan information minister resigns to protest restrictions on media

World Agenda: Have Zimbabwe's generals sidelined Mugabe? This article explains what happened politically just before Tsvangirai's "accident" that killed his wife.

Kyrgyzs opposition says Sadyrkulov death political murder

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Syrian Fool’s Errand

By Bruce Thornton Tuesday, March 10, 2009

True to his campaign promise to restore diplomacy to its rightful place in American foreign policy, Barack Obama is initiating “discussions” with Syria intended to resolve a whole host of divisive issues, including Iran’s nuclear ambitions, the conflict with Israel, and the festering problem of the Palestinian Arabs. Presumably, Syria “wants to engage,” according to Martin S. Indyk, Clinton’s Middle East peace negotiator, though The New York Times story did not tell us why Syria should talk now. Nor are we told what boon we can offer that could change Syria’s behavior, which includes murdering Lebanese politicians, funding and supplying Hamas and Hizbollah, and helping jihadists make their way to Iraq.

The implication of this latest news is that the previous administration, filled with unilateralist, trigger-happy neocon cowboys, worsened the crisis in the Middle East by refusing to talk with countries like Syria. This bit of received wisdom, like most liberal dogma, is misleading at best. For decades, Israel and the United States have talked with Syria, all to no avail. As Bret Stephens documents in the latest Commentary, “when it comes to the Syria track, the U.S. and Israel have walked down this road before, again and again, almost always with disappointing results.” Stephens’ survey of these efforts reveals a stark truth: talks with Syria will fail because the whole premise of these talks, that Syria sincerely wants peace with Israel, is flawed, as the record of Syria’s previous negotiations––filled with escalating demands, calculated snubs and insults of U.S. and Israeli politicians, and arrogant dismissals of generous Israeli offers–– more

Article by Phyllis Chesler:

The Tide Turns: Jews and Christians Standing Together Against Anti-Semitism.

Melanie Phillips:

Note: Sizer is building a formidable reputation as an activist anti-semite.

Last weekend the Revd Stephen Sizer, vicar of Christ Church, Virginia Water appeared at an anti-Israel meeting with an Islamist called Ismail Patel. Patel has not only accused Israel of ‘genocide’ and ‘war crimes’ but considers Disney to be a Jewish plot and supports Hamas, Iran and Syria.

Sizer is a virulent opponent of Christian Zionism and of Israel, which he has said he hopes will disappear just as did the apartheid regime in South Africa. He has also applauded Iranian President Ahmadinejad for having ‘looked forward to the day when Zionism ceased to exist’.

Beware the new axis of evangelicals and Islamists

Things that make you go hmmm dept....

Obama's Outreach to Adversaries Takes Unexpected Turn With Taliban Approach

Lori's news links

World's biggest banks to meet in London

Developing world may need $700 billion: World Bank

U.S. officials find "common ground" in Syria

Obama not to deliver anticipated address on Islam in Turkey

Turkey says ready to host further talks between Syria and Israel

Morocco severs relations with Iran

Iran test-fires new missile

Tehran using nuclear talks to buy time for bomb

Gas Drilling Begins Off Hadera Coast

Op piece: Obama vs. Judea & Samaria

Hizbullah officials: Syria has betrayed us

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Reconstructing Hamas

No matter what Hamas does, the world forgives it. No matter what Israel does, the world hates her. Israel is hampered by its own indecisiveness, unbelief in her Lord and the world’s meddling.

Zec 12:3 "It will come about in that day that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who lift it will be severely injured. And all the nations of the earth will be gathered against it.

Reconstructing Hamas

By P. David Hornik

Against the backdrop of even worse news about Iran’s inching toward nuclearization, the news about Iran’s vanguard on the southwestern border of Israel—Hamas—also isn’t good.
Despite Israel’s attempt, during and immediately after Operation Cast Lead, to focus U.S. and European attention on the problem of Hamas’s arms smuggling under Egypt’s none too watchful gaze,
that problem continues unabated and the rocket attacks are steadily mounting again. And not only is it militarily recovering, the terror group is making diplomatic progress as well....Read More

Lori's news links

Ukraine fires FM

European chiefs propose global rules

NKorea turns down SKorea president’s call for resuming dialogue

Tokyo may down N Korea satellite if it threatens security-DM

Push for single African currency begins

H. Clinton offers handshake of friendship to Syria

H. Clinton meets Israeli leaders in Jerusalem

US Administration Double-Deals On Israel (Durban 2)

Israeli Gov't Suspends Retaliation to Rocket Attacks, Turns to UN

Israel has already forfeited Jerusalem

US Offered shield Deal to Russia in Secret Letter

Russia to Send Armored Vehicles to PA

Russian general says U.S. may have planned satellite collision

United Russia, party of Putin, cruises in regional elections

Iran Hosts Conference for PA Arabs

Iran signals it is open to int’l dialogue on the basis of mutual benefits

Iran giving missiles to Taliban?

Upcoming Swedish EU presidency launches logo hmm

I agree with the hmm, Lori!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Exclusive from Joel Rosenberg

On Monday night, something remarkable is going to take place in the capital of Syria. More than 1,100 senior Syrian government officials, journalists, business leaders and religious leaders — Muslim, Catholic and evangelical Christian — will attend the gala premiere of a major motion picture entitled Damascus, written, produced and directed by entirely Arab Christians. The film, part documentary and part narrative drama, tells the story of how Saul of Tarsus — one of the first prominent persecutors of Christ-followers in the Holy Land — himself became a follower of Jesus during a miraculous encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus and eventually became known as the Apostle Paul, going on to write much of the New Testament....


Action Alert -- Help Support Pro-Israel Legislation!

A word from Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein at International Fellowship of Christians and Jews:

Dear Friend of Israel,

We have all heard the saying, “The road to ruin is paved with good intentions.” The message is clear. While good intentions may provide the starting point for our efforts, they mean little – and can, in fact, have an opposite effect – if they are not translated into positive deeds.

Today I want to tell you about one organization, founded with a noble purpose, that has strayed far from that original purpose – and tell you what you can do to help set it back on its proper path.

In 1949, the United Nations formed the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). The original purpose of this agency was to provide emergency aid to the few hundred thousand Arab refugees who had fled their homes or been displaced in 1948 due the ongoing war waged by Arab nations upon the newly-formed state of Israel.

Sixty years later, UNRWA’s reach and budget has expanded exponentially. Unlike every other instance of refugee relief, in this case care of all descendants of the original refugees is also provided by UNRWA. Today the agency provides for more than 4 million people, both those living in refugee camps in the West Bank, Gaza, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria, and those who live in established communities but are nonetheless considered “refugees” by UNRWA’s definition.

While its stated purpose is humanitarian, UNRWA has evolved into an organization that many say perpetuates, rather than eases, the plight of Palestinian refugees and the ongoing Arab-Israeli conflict in general. For instance, UNRWA often plays an indirect role in supporting Hamas and other terrorist organizations. Hamas members have been found on the agency’s payroll, a fact that did not seem to bother UNRWA Commissioner-General in 2004 Peter Hansen, when he told a reporter, “I am sure that there are Hamas members on the UNRWA payroll and I don't see that as a crime.” More recently, the agency revealed that it has no screening system in place to exclude members of terrorist groups like Hamas and Islamic Jihad from working in its schools.

A couple of high-profile cases have brought to the world’s attention the connection between Hamas and various other terror groups and UNRWA. It was revealed recently that Awad Al-Qiq, chief rocket-maker for the Islamic Jihad terror group, worked as a science instructor at an UNRWA school in Gaza. Said Siyam, a senior Hamas leader targeted and killed by an Israeli air strike during last month’s Gaza war, was on the UNRWA payroll for years, also working as a teacher. These are only two of the most glaring examples.

And if terrorists are the teachers, what is being taught in UNRWA-funded schools? It has been found that textbooks used in UNRWA schools often reinforce a point of view that is deeply hostile to Israel. One book obtained by Israeli officials at an UNRWA school glorified terrorists and anyone who died during armed struggle with Israel as “martyrs.”

To address this problem, a bi-partisan group of Congressmen, lead by Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) and Steve Rothman (D-N.J.), are reviving a bill (H. Con. Res. 29) they originally proposed several years ago. This bill would require that UNRWA operate in compliance with existing U.S. laws to ensure that no American taxpayer dollars are being directed to terrorists or to further terrorist propaganda. In addition, it would call on UNRWA to publish online copies of all the education material used in its schools, and urge the agency to adopt strict screening procedures to ensure that no terrorists are included among UNRWA staff.

Let’s challenge UNRWA to make sure that its good intentions truly ease suffering and further the cause of peace in the Middle East. Join the fight for fairness for Israel by responding to our Action Alert and urging your Congressman to support this bill that calls on UNRWA to reform. And, after you have done so, please help us spread the word on this important legislation by forwarding the alert to your friends. Thank you, my friends, for making your voice heard!

With prayers for shalom, peace,

Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein