Thursday, January 8, 2009

A formula for perpetual war

Hal Lindsey makes a few salient points about the current crisis in Gaza:

As the current Israeli war against Hamas in Gaza continues, the worldwide propaganda assault against Israel grows exponentially. In the light of this, it's important to review a little history about Gaza. In 2005, Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza and completely turned its administration over to the Palestinian Authority. All of the Jewish settlements were disbanded and their residents forcibly removed. The Israeli agricultural, commercial and residential assets – which were considerable – were left for the Palestinians...

I especially concur with his thoughts here:

What is it about Israel that makes it the world's pariah state? How can it be that no insult to the Arabs is too slight to justify wholesale murder, whereas no atrocity, no matter how outrageous, justifies an Israeli defensive response? It matters not how reasonable and legitimate the defensive action would be for any other nation. But leaders from around the world have streamed into the U.N. to defend the "Palestinian democracy" – as if such an entity exists. READ MORE

A new post by Joel Rosenberg:


From another blog…

“I can't forget Zionism is an extremist racist political ideology cloaked behind the Holocaust religion. I do believe a lot of innocent Jews died in WWII, but I don't believe in the Holocaust as a sacred, holy, untouchable, beyond questionable historical event. To me that's ridiculous. I also believe a lot of other nationalities and religious people died in WWII too. I'm sure the Japanese consider nuking cities something very much worth remembering, but they're not forcing me to bow before their shrines or pray to their God. I know my grandfathers honored their dead comrades buried at Normandy. It was a WORLD war and people died in horrible ways, en masse, across the globe.”

I came across this statement elsewhere but I’m not going to link it unless someone specifically asks. The writer is obviously intelligent and articulate but the essay contains vexing opinions and assertions relating to Zionism, Christianity and Israel in general which I have strong concerns with, and which I want to address at a later time. I’m primarily interested with the following remarks because I’ve come across this thinking before.

“…but I don't believe in the Holocaust as a sacred, holy, untouchable, beyond questionable historical event. To me that's ridiculous. I also believe a lot of other nationalities and religious people died in WWII too.”

Make no mistake; the statement betrays a fundamental prejudice and this is patently obvious to me later in the article. There is no question that millions have died “en masse” around the globe and that it should be properly acknowledged. But how does that fact trivialize the Holocaust? And how is it relevant to the current crisis in Gaza? The drivers in this conflict are totally different.

The Jews have been subject to attempts of mass extermination throughout history and it very nearly happened during WW2. No other race has had to face the constant threat of extinction and irrational hatred as have the Jews and that is just one of the many reasons why we should ALWAYS remember the Holocaust. One should ask - what is it about Israel – as distinct to any other race - that attracts such consistent hatred and prejudice?