Thursday, November 27, 2008

Israel Must Resist the Coming Obama-Clinton Onslaught

By Seth Swirsky

Upon taking office, President Obama will push hard for the ridiculous (for Israel) “Saudi Peace Initiative”, which asks for Israel to give up land it won in the 1967 war, in return for peace with the Palestinians and other Arab neighbors yet to make peace with Israel.

Hilary Clinton was chosen to be Secretary of State NOT for how she will deal with France or (fill in the country) but for how to push the Saudi “plan” in order to make a Palestinian State.
But, the Palestinians do not want a state: they want Israel. The election of Bibi Netanyahu would be important because he would say “no” to the Saudi “plan”, which is just another euphemism for diminishing the size of the already minute Israel.

Israel gave back southern Lebanon, and in return, it got back a war (in 2006). Israel “gave back” Gaza and in return, it takes rockets on its cities daily.

Obama’s #1 priority upon taking office will be putting the Saudi plan into play, using the more-trusted Hillary Clinton to sell it. Bibi (again, if elected) MUST NOT be a buyer. The world, for the most part, doesn’t like Jews and that’s what Israel represents. Israel cannot, for the sake of good PR from the world, give away land that soldiers fought and died for in order to make Israel safer. It’s why Bibi will likely win: Israelis sense that Obama, with his worldwide popularity, is going to come knocking soon, asking –maybe demanding — more Israeli “concessions” for peace that Israel must resist.

The Palestinians should be the ones making concessions (taking out of their charter, their desire to end Israel’s existence, would be a great place to start!). President George W. Bush, had it correct when taking a hands off approach to the Arab-Israeli problem, as he realized that Israel doesn’t have a problem with Palestinians, but the other way around. He realized there is no ‘cycle of violence’, just Palestinians bent on killing innocent Israelis.

Watch out Israel: Obama’s coming with Hillary (and Bill) as his cover. Israel has seen that no peace with the Palestinians comes about when they give back swaths of land won in war.

Beware Obama-Clinton and their coming push to accept the Saudi “plan”: it’s a disaster for Israel and Bibi knows it.

Article from Political Mavens

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